We finally made it to Tashiro Island. Akira had been agitating for a camping trip on the island since last year, but had never been able to rustle up enough interest. Well this year the interest was there, in spades. In the end we had around 30 people. I never made a final count.
Sara, Akira and I woke up around 7AM and after various stops made our way to the ferry port with a carload full of stuff. We took the 9AM boat over to the island. I didn't expect many others to make the early boat, but I was a little surprised we were the only ones. I think it was for the best though, because it gave us a little time to get things squared away with the cabins. We had a few hours before the next crowd made it to Tashiro, so Akira showed us the rocky beach near the campsite. It was beautiful!

Very much how Japan exists in my imagination. We wandered around a bit more, then headed down to the port to meet up with everyone.
What'd'ya know? There really are cats everywhere on this island!

Tashiro Island is nicknamed Cat Island and Manga Island. Apparently, there are no dogs on the island. Only cats. They tend to hang around fishermen. Go figure. The island was also a favorite of Ishinomori Shotarou, the manga illustrator who claimed Ishinomaki as his home town, and in whose honor the manga museum was built. Hence, Manga Island.
Anyway, I would not exactly call it a party. Just an occasion for everyone to get together, have a few (or more) drinks, and spend time on an island away from our own boring hamlets. It was definitely a great weekend away.
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